You Have Arrived At Your Destination for
Joy, Health, 
Peace and Prosperity!

Prolonged seasons of global uncertainty have left many of us literally holding on for dear life.  Decision-making seems complicated, and no solution seems like the right one.

If you feel like your life is at a crossroads, and you're worried it won't get better-in fact, you fear it will only get worse-you're not alone. 

We're all navigating these times of great uncertainty.

I've learned no matter the situation, obstacles to our happiness present themselves in four major categories: relationships, career/business, health and wellness, and personal power-the way we see ourselves and respond to others.

Our capacity to be resilient and thrive in uncertainty rests in self-renewal mindsets and practices cultivated and mastered over time by skill and intention. 

I invite you on a journey to learn and master proprietary principles and practices of self-renewal for upleveled health, wellness, and soul prosperity. 

You will flourish in the safe container created by this community.  This is the place where you will be recognized, appreciated, honored, celebrated, and supported to embody your best self and experience the highest vision for you life.

I stand ready to make available to you my decades of life experience, training and practice. 


Yes, you can realize your hopes and your dreams through
The Power of Soul Renewal!

Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
Book your 20 minute no obligation complimentary session.

Schedule an appointment

Coaching Packages



  • 3x per month 60–90-minute on-going coaching sessions with a group of (8+) people
  • Support before the coaching session: ensures that we make the most of every minute we spend together; maximizing your investment and the results you create.
  • Post Session Recap System: helps to integrate the coaching into your daily life. Journaling and Just in Time coaching via our TCC Client Log: keeps the coaching going via email in between coaching sessions
  • Support Between the Sessions: Coaching Sessions are recorded so you can re-listen and gain even further value from the details of the session.
  • These groups are scheduled periodically throughout the year and run for two-to-three-month segments.










  • 3x per month 60-90-minute on-going coaching sessions with a group of (5-8) people
  • Support before the coaching session: ensures that we make the most of every minute we spend together; maximizing your investment and the results you create.
  • Post Session Recap System: helps to integrate the coaching into your daily life. Journaling and Just in Time coaching via our TCC Client Log: keeps the coaching going via email in between coaching sessions.
  • Support Between the Sessions: Coaching Sessions are recorded so you can re-listen and gain even further value from the details of the session.
  • These groups are scheduled periodically throughout the year and run for two-to-six-month segments.



15 self-renewal questions to help you assess your current situation, needs, desires

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